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Meet the staff

We pride ourselves in our continuous professional development.
We attend regular updates, meetings and training to ensure we provide the best quality childcare and education.

Jackie McElhatton


Director/ Nursery Manager/ Office Manager/ Designated safeguarding lead

- CACHE Diploma in Childcare & Education

- Level 3 in Leadership and Management

- ELKLAN-Level 2


- Paediatric first aid trained

- Jext training 

- Epilepsy training (able to administer buccal midazolam)


- Completed 'Hygge in the Early years' Accreditation

- Currently completing 'Wanderlust child nature study

- Currently completing 'Hygge in the early years' Accreditation - 'Be an Extrordinary Leader'

Vicky Makin


Manager/ SENco/ Safeguarding lead/ Well-being co-ordinator / Communication co-ordinator

- BTEC level 3 national diploma in children’s care, learning and development 

- Bachelor of arts with second class honours in education and professional studies

- Designated lead for safeguarding and child protection

- Early years SENCo award

- CACHE level 3 SENCo

- Keys to communication 

- Supporting staff well being 

- Montessori outdoors

- Wellcomm  



- Paediatric first aid trained

- Epilepsy training (able to administer buccal midazolam)

Rebecca Harrison


Nursery Practitioner

- NVQ Level 3 Care Learning and Development

- NVQ Level 2 Care Learning and Development

- Level 2 in Teaching and Learning 

- Baby Training

- Keys to communication 

- Paediatric first aid trained 

Sarah Beesley


Nursery Practitioner

- Level 2 certificate in children care, learning and development 


- Level 2 in safer food

- Positive Behaviour

- Health and safety in the workplace 


- Paediatric first aid trained

Lucy Withington


Nursery Practitioner

- Level 2 in childcare and education 

- Baby training


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Vanessa Makin


Nursery Practitioner

- Cache Level 3 in children's care, learning and development


- Phase 1 letters and sounds 


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Shannon Heyes 


Nursery Practitioner 

- Level 3 Diploma in childcare and education

- Food allergy training

- Supervised toothbrushing

- Food safety and Hygiene

- Manual Handling


- Paediatric First Aid 


Anna Redfern 


Senior Nursery Practitioner / Dragonflies Room Lead

- BTEC Level 3 in children's play, learning and development

- Bachelor of arts with Honours in childhood studies 

- Food allergy awareness


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Ellie Riding


Nursery Practitioner 

- Level 3 Diploma for the early years practitioner 

- Safeguarding awareness 

- First aid awareness


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Nicky Withington


Senior practitioner / under 2’s room lead 

- Level 2 Diploma for the early years practitioner 

- Safeguarding awareness 

- First Aid awareness 

- Manual Handling

- currently completing Level 3 Diploma for the early years practitioner


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Jean Yates


Nursery cook

- Level 2 in food hygiene

- Food allergy awareness


Anneka Wannakukorale


Nursery Practitioner

- Level 3 early years educator

- Level 2 Food safety and Hygiene

- Safeguarding Level 2 


- Level 3 Paediatric First Aid 

Jemma Lord


Deputy Manager / Butterflies Room Leader

- CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education

- NVQ Level 4 Diploma in management and leadership 

- Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and social care and children and young peoples services


​- Paediatric first aid trained

Kelsi Morris 


Nursery practitioner - Apprentice

- Level 2 Diploma for the early years practitioner - Apprentice

Louise Rutter


Nursery practitioner 

- Level 3 diploma for the early years practitioner - Level 2 in children and young peoples workforce 

Meet the staff: Services
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